I took some screenshots to accompany my Vim as an IDE repo on GitHub. This is by no means a complete walkthrough! It’s just a reference for those who are curious if they installed everything correctly. This is what my system looks like for me after each step.
1. Create vimrc file
This is what Vim should look like immediately after opening it:
And right after adding the two lines:
2. Add some general settings
After you add these settings, your ~/.vimrc
should look
like this when opened in Vim:
3. Enable the mouse
To enable the mouse, you’ll have to figure out where the appropriate setting is in your terminal emulator. Here’s a screenshot of where it is in iTerm2 on OS X.
4. Set up Vundle boilerplate
If you add the changes introduced at this step before installing Vundle, you’ll get an error that looks like this:
Otherwise, this should be the result of running
vim +PluginInstall
to install Vundle for the first
Remember, you can use :qall
to quit Vim after installing
5. Make Vim look good
Your experience might diverge a little bit from these screenshots if you choose a different colorscheme because I’ll assume you’re setting everything up using Solarized Dark. If you’re on a Mac and you’ve imported the iTerm2 colorschemes, you should be able to find the Solarized Dark theme here:
Making that change should make Vim turn these colors:
Next up is changing your font to a Powerline patched font. If you downloaded and installed Menlo for Powerline correctly, you should be able to set it using this panel in the preferences:
Finally, running vim +PluginInstall
to install the
Solarized Vim colorscheme and vim-airline:
Here’s what the Vim solarized plugind does to our
If you chose to install a Powerline patched font, you can let vim-airline use cooler arrows by uncommenting the line highlighted in this screenshot above, to make Vim look like this:
6. Plugins NERDTree and NERDTree Tabs
This will be the last time that I demonstrate running
vim +PluginInstall
, because they’ll all basically look the
same from here on out:
Once you’ve installed NERDTree and NERDTree Tabs (and added the
settings I listed for them), you should be able to type \t
to bring up something that looks like this:
7. Plugin Syntastic
Once you’ve installed Syntastic, it should syntax highlight your errors by displaying little marks next to the offending lines:
You can see that we’ve forgotten a semi-colon, and Syntastic is pointing that out for us.
As I was making these screenshots, I realized that I forgot to
include a setting in the right place. It’s fine if you work through the
whole workshop, but if you pick and choose things, namely if you don’t
follow the steps for vim-gitgutter
eventually, you’ll end
up with this weird highlighting in the sign column. To disable this
highlighting, you can either wait until the vim-gitgutter
step (coming right up in 4 steps), or you can run this command (the one
at the bottom of the screenshot):
To make the change permanent, you’ll have to add that line
(:hi clear SignColumn
) to your ~/.vimrc
8. Plugins vim-easytags and tagbar
After this step, you should be able to bring up a split pane view
that shows your functions, variables, and other identifiers by pressing
If you enabled mouse reporting, you should be able to click on the things in the pane and jump to the appropriate place in the file. I’d strongly recommend that you read the help for all the keybindings and actions you can use with it.
9. Plugin ctrlp
When CtrlP
is installed, you can press
Ctrl + P
to bring up a list of files. As you type, the list
will be filtered to only those that “fuzzy match” what you’ve typed in.
As you can see, I typed in mc
, which matched
and main.c
10. Plugin A.vim
This plugin introduces a number of commands that you can read in the
documentation that enable opening “alternate” files, like C/C++ header
files, really quickly. I’ve run :AV
here as an example of
one of the commands it installs, which opens the alternate file in a
vertical split pane.
11. Plugins vim-gitgutter and vim-fugitive
is really handy: it shows you a
, -
, or ~
next to lines that
have been added, removed, or modified. This is good for both identifying
the pieces of code that have changed while you’re working on a file as
well as reminding yourself that you have changes that need to be
Speaking of committing files, vim-fugitive
lets you make
Git commits from right within Vim. Simply run :Gcommit
bring up a split pane where you can craft your commit message:
can do much more than just make commits. Be
sure to read the appropriate documentation to figure out what sorts of
cool things you can do!
12. Plugin delimitMate
Finally, using delimitMate
you should be able to type an
opening delimiter and have the closing one be inserted automatically.
Here’s an example on parentheses:
13. Plugin vim-superman
Once you’ve added the appropriate function to your shell
initialization file (~/.bashrc
, etc.), you should be able
to run vman <command>
to open man pages. Here’s an
example on vman 3 printf
14. Plugin vim-tmux-navigator
There’s not much to show here, as this step is mostly just
introducing keybindings. If you use tmux
, make sure to copy
the appropriate snippet into your ~/.tmux.conf
to be able
to jump between tmux and Vim splits with no added effort.
15. Syntax plugins
No screenshots again. What syntax highlighting plugins you end up installing is largely up to you.
16. Add all the extra plugins that I use
For these plugins, be sure to check the documentation. Most of them have screenshots that show what they look like when installed and configured correctly.
Wrap Up
That’s it! I can only take you so far in making your Vim awesome. You have to take yourself the rest of the way by investing a little bit of effort into reading the documentation for the plugins you think could be useful to you so that you can fully utilize them. Be sure to comment on the commits with questions if you’re stuck or are wondering why your setup doesn’t look similar to one of the above!