Sorbet, Generics, and Parametricity

Consider this snippet of Ruby code using Sorbet:

# typed: true
extend T::Sig

sig do
def fake_identity_function(x)
  case x
  when Integer then return 0
  #                 ^^^^^^^^ error
  else return x
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It has the same signature as the identity function (which returns its argument unchanged), but doesn’t actually do that in all cases. In particular, on the highlighted line it checks the type of x at runtime, and if it’s an Integer, it always returns 0, regardless of the input.

Sorbet flags this as an error (see the full error message in the link). Sometimes I get asked: “why?” The reasoning for why people think this shouldn’t be an error usually looks like this: the signature just says that the output has to be the same as the input, and Integer is the same as Integer.

But the fun thing is that this signature makes a stronger constraint on the implementation of the method—in this case the signature mandates that the result is the input. The hand-wavy intuition for how to think about what’s going on is to mentally read the type_parameters(:U) in the signature as “for all,” specifically, “the behavior of this function is the same for all choices of the type parameters.”

In that light, generics put a pretty hefty constraint on the implementation of a generic method—which is actually a good thing! It means that the caller of the method can make stronger guarantees about what the method can or cannot do, even seeing only the types. For example:

sig do
  type_parameters(, )
    .params(T.type_parameter(), T.type_parameter())
    .returns(T.any(T.type_parameter(), T.type_parameter()))

From this signature we’re guaranteed that the method has to return exactly one of the arguments we provided (x or y) and nothing else. It can’t invent some third value and return that.

But the constraints come within reason: the types don’t say anything about what side effects the function might have. This isn’t particularly unique to generics (Sorbet doesn’t track side effects no matter the types), but it is worth noting as a sneaky way that methods can do different things with different arguments. Going back to our fake_identity_function example from earlier:

# typed: true
extend T::Sig

sig do
def fake_identity_function(x)
  case x
  when Integer
    x.even? # error: Method `even?` does not exist
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In this example, the side effect of calling puts(x.even?) only happens if the type is Integer, breaking the intuition that the behavior of this function is uniform for all input types.

If Sorbet wanted,Unlike everything we’ve discussed so far, I’m not actually sure whether that was a conscious decision or an accident. But it is a pretty useful feature in practice.

it could prevent this particular form of anti-uniformity by not allowing any control-flow-sensitive type updates. But it wouldn’t change the fact that, for example, one implementation of fake_identity_function could always print one log line, while another implementation could always print two log lines. The only uniformity guarantees we get are about specifically what’s captured in the input and output types.

It turns out that there’s a name for this property of generic functions: parametricity. It’s a fancy word but it basically means what we’ve talked about here: the implementation of generic functions are constrained to basically only do one thing, modulo side-effects. It goes further than just intuition though, and people have done interesting work to formalize the intuitions into proofs.