Editing note: This post first appeared in a work-internal email. It was first cross-posted to this blog December 12, 2022.
Have you ever wondered why this Ruby snippet runs with no errors:
# -- example1.rb --
def self.bar; end
def foo; end
but this Ruby snippet raises a NoMethodError
on the last
# -- example2.rb --
class A
def self.bar; end
def foo; end
bar()# undefined method `foo' for A:Class (NoMethodError)
foo() end
What gives? All we did was wrap the code in a class (versus letting
the code run at the top-level of a file). The second example should be
unsurprising—we write code like this all the time, and we’ve come to
learn that instance methods like foo
can only be called on
instances of A
. Within the class body of A
only singleton methods like bar
can be called.
I was pretty annoyed that this intuition didn’t translate to methods defined at the top-level of a file, so I asked why. Turns out: the Ruby VM uses separate algorithms for figuring out what class to define a method on. The two separate algorithms look like this:
Case 1: def qux; end
As Ruby evaluates code, it maintains a lexical nesting scope of classes. This is the same nesting scope that it uses when looking up constants:
# nesting scope: [Object]
class A
# nesting scope: [Object, A]
module X; end
class B
# nesting scope: [Object, A, B]
puts X # => A::X
In this example, the module X
is referenced without
leading ::
like ::X
, so Ruby searches for
constants named X
in the nesting scope (it also searches
other places, but those places don’t affect method definitions).
For a method definition like def qux; end
, Ruby looks up
the top of the scope and enters a method into that class’s method table.
That is, this snippet defines A#foo
because it’s nested
lexically in A
class A
def foo; end
This was the first thing that tripped me: when defining a method
using def qux; end
, the current value of self
doesn’t matter at all (this will be important
Case 2:
def (expr).qux; end
When a method definition has a receiver, it’s the opposite: the
lexical class nesting scope doesn’t matter, while the value
evaluates to does. The steps the Ruby VM follows are
like this:
- Evaluate
to a value. I’ll call thatv
. This can be an (almost) arbitrary value! It doesn’t have to result in aClass
instance. - Take
. Every object has a singleton class. - Define the method named
on that singleton class.
It just so happens that when executing a class body, Ruby sets
to the current class:
class A
puts self == A # => true
def self.bar; end
Looking specifically at the method definition, Ruby will evaluate
to the value A
, then take
, and then define the bar
that (singleton) class.
It happened that here we were calling .singleton_class
on a class, but we can call .singleton_class
on any
(non-class) object! That’s how the file top-level works.
The file top-level
We now can understand why example1.rb
doesn’t raise any
# -- example1.rb --
def self.bar; end
def foo; end
bar() foo()
When Ruby starts running a program, it sets the nesting scope to
like in vm.c.
But then it sets self
to a completely unrelated value. The
value it chooses is one it just makes
out of thin air at startup. In pseudo code, the top self is invented
kind of like this:
RubyVM::TopSelf = Object.new
def RubyVM::TopSelf.to_s; "main"; end
self = RubyVM::TopSelf
(You can’t actually assign to self
—the Ruby VM does by
to a field in a C struct.) Ruby calls the top self object
-e 'puts self'
❯ ruby main
So what happens when Ruby sees def foo; end
at the top
of a file? Well, the lexical class scope was set to Object
so it defines Object#foo
And what happens when Ruby sees def self.bar; end
at the
top of a file? self
has been set to this magical
object (which happens to be an instance of
). Ruby computes .singleton_class
that main
object and defines a method on the singleton
class of that Object
instance directly.
From there, Ruby’s method lookup algorithm takes over. To find a
method on a receiver expr
, Ruby looks in
. So for the file top-level,
that includes both self.singleton_class
❯ ruby -e 'p self.singleton_class.ancestors'
[#<Class:#<Object:0x00007fa7258be2b8>>, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
but for a class body, that only includes the class’s singleton class
), not the class itself:
-e 'class A
❯ ruby p self.singleton_class.ancestors
[#<Class:A>, #<Class:Object>, #<Class:BasicObject>, Class, Module, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
And there it is.
Appendix: But why?
There were a whole bunch of “…but why?” questions I had when I learned this.
Why not make it as if all files were wrapped in
class Object; ...; end
?I think the Ruby authors explicitly wanted
def foo; end; foo
to work, because this is more convenient for people writing short scripts.Why not make the first lexical scope be
instead ofObject
?You can only define constants on a class, not an object:
❯ ruby -e 'self::X = 1' Traceback (most recent call last): -e:1:in `<main>': main is not a class/module (TypeError)
X = 1
at the top level works because that actually definesObject::X
❯ ruby -e 'X = 1; p Object::X' 1
If you have more questions than me (or more answers) after reading this, I’m eager to hear 😅
Appendix: Further reading
I learned most of what I learned here by reading “Chapter 9: Metaprogramming” in Ruby Under a Microscope by Pat Shaughnessy:
→ http://patshaughnessy.net/ruby-under-a-microscope
and by reading the Ruby source code. If you want to set up really good jump-to-def on the Ruby source code, I wrote a guide for that: