Linkers & Ruby C Extensions

I recently learned that linkers are really cool. It all started when I saw an error message that looked something like this:

❯ rake test
symbol lookup error: /home/jez/.../ undefined symbol bar

I already wrote about finding where this error was coming from. The tl;dr is that it was coming from GNU’s libc implementation:

❯ rg -t c 'symbol lookup error'
876:      _dl_signal_cexception (0, &exception, N_("symbol lookup error"));

That led me to a fun exploration of how linux linkers work, and how Ruby C extensions rely on them.

I always knew that Ruby C extensions existed (that they break all the time is a constant reminder…) but I never really connected the dots between “here’s some C code” and how Ruby actually runs that code.

Ruby C extensions are just shared libraries following certain conventions. Specifically, a Ruby C extension might look like this:

#include "ruby.h"

VALUE my_foo(VALUE self, VALUE val) {
  return rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("puts"), 1, val)

// This function's name matters:
void Init_my_lib() {
  rb_define_method(rb_cObject, "foo", my_foo);

The important part is that the name of that Init_my_lib function matters. When Ruby sees a line like

require_relative './my_lib'

it looks for a file called (or my_lib.bundle on macOS), asks the operating system to load that file as a shared library, and then looks for a function with the name Init_my_lib inside the library it just loaded.

When that function runs, it’s a chance for the C extension to do the same sorts of things that a normal Ruby file might have done if it had been require’d. In this example, it defines a method foo at the top level, almost like the user had written normal Ruby code like this:

def foo(val)
  puts val

That’s kind of wild! That means:

I was pretty shocked to learn this, because my mental model of how linking worked was that it split evenly into two parts:

There’s actually a third option!

Then I looked into what code Ruby actually calls to do this. I found the code in dln.c:

/* Load file */
if ((handle = (void*)dlopen(file, RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL)) == NULL) {
    error = dln_strerror();
    goto failed;

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Ruby uses the dlopen(3) function in libc to request that an arbitrary user library be loaded. From the man page:

The function dlopen() loads the dynamic shared object (shared library) file named by the null-terminated string filename and returns an opaque “handle” for the loaded object.

— man dlopen

The next thing Ruby does with this opaque handle is to find if the thing it just loaded has an Init_<...> function inside it:

init_fct = (void(*)())(VALUE)dlsym(handle, buf);
if (init_fct == NULL) {
    const size_t errlen = strlen(error = dln_strerror()) + 1;
    error = memcpy(ALLOCA_N(char, errlen), error, errlen);
    goto failed;

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It uses dlsym(3) (again in libc) to look up a method with an arbitrary name (buf) inside the library it just opened (handle). That function must exist—if it doesn’t, it’s not a valid Ruby C extension and Ruby reports an error.

If dlsym found a function with the right name, it stores a function pointer into init_fct, which Ruby immediately dereferences and calls:

/* Call the init code */

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It’s still kind of mind bending to think that C provides this level of “dynamism.” I had always thought that being a compiled language meant that the set of functions a C program could call was fixed at compile time, but that’s not true at all!

This search led me down a rabbit hole of learning more about linkers, and now I think they’re super cool—and far less cryptic! I highly recommend Chapter 7: Linking from Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective if this was interesting to you.