Using my iPhone as a travel laptop

A while back I picked up a tiny, folding, wireless keyboard to turn my phone into a passable laptop replacement when traveling (thanks to some excellent apps and the power of SSH). It’s already incredible, and only one or two features are missing from iOS which would make it really amazing.

Hard to use my phone for scale when I need it to take the picture

I picked up this wireless folding keyboard for $25 on Amazon. It’s only slight bigger than my phone itself (iPhone 12) and manages to fit in my jeans front pocket.

For many of my personal trips, bringing a full-sized laptop or even an iPad is overkill, especially if there’s only a 10% chance that I’ll end up using it. When I do wish I had a laptop, it’s usually because I want to do a little blogging or light programming.For example, the trip calls for nothing but day hiking, but one day we get rained out. Or the trip calls for nothing but skiing, but the first day I get injured.

Now, all I have to do is tuck this keyboard somewhere in a carry-on.

It’s the software that makes this setup workable as a short-term laptop replacement:

There’s a lot of things I love about this setup:

How it could be amazing

It’s impressive how well it already works—I wrote this whole post with just phone and keyboard while waiting in an airport terminal!To get the images in the post, I have Dropbox on both my phone and the home computer, and Image Magick to convert & resize the photos.

But there’s a few things keeping this setup from being amazing.

Work vs personal

For light use cases, where I’m basically only blogging or writing code in Vim and compiling at the terminal, this setup is great.

But I have a dream of one day being able to use this setup for work trips too. Think of how cool it would be to travel to an office in another city, sit down at any desk, plug in my phone over USB-C and get to work. This is almost possible.

For me, the things holding it back are all related to where I work (where we can’t connect our phones to the corporate VPN) and how important Slack is for work trips (Slack doesn’t support iOS landscape mode, let alone the magical Blink external display mode). It’s so close to being a reality!

I have one of the most powerful computers ever built in my pocket at all times. It would be so cool if I use it like one, and we’re so close to being there.

Appendix: Fun keyboard shortcuts

Some of the keyboard shortcuts I noticed myself using the most while writing this post:

In general, I’ve had great success by blindly trying macOS keyboard shortcuts and having them also work on iOS.