Intersection Types in Sorbet are Surprisingly Common

Conventional knowledge is that union types are common and intersection types are rare. But actually that’s not the case—intersection types show up in nearly every program Sorbet type checks thanks to control flow.

Union types in Sorbet are incredibly common, which should be no surprise. In Sorbet, T.nilable(...) is sugar for T.any(NilClass, ...). T.nilable shows up all over the place and probably catches more bugs than any other feature in Sorbet.

Sorbet also has intersection types. While union types mean “either this or that,” intersection types mean “both this and that.” On first glance, intersection types seem like some super niche feature which only benefits a handful of programs. In Stripe’s Ruby monorepo, the strings T.any and T.nilable occur nearly 300 times more than T.all does.

But those numbers hide something critical: intersection types power Sorbet’s control flow-sensitive typing. They’re actually present in every Ruby program, but just a little hard to spot. Let’s look at how pervasive they are with a few examples:

# typed: strict
extend T::Sig

class Parent; end
class Child < Parent; end

sig {params(Parent).void}
def example1(x)
  case x
  when Child
    T.reveal_type(x) # Revealed type: `Child`

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Here x starts out having type Parent, but inside the case statement Sorbet treats x as having the more specific type Child. There’s no T.all in sight, but that’s because it’s hiding. Sorbet doesn’t just throw away the fact that it knew x <: Parent. Instead, it uses T.all to update its type for x to T.all(Parent, Child).

T.all(Parent, Child) is equivalent to Child because Child is a subtype of Parent. If types represent sets of values, then the set of values represented by Child is a subset of the set of values represented by Parent, so the intersection of those two sets would just leave Child.If you’re not convinced, consider: with T.all(Parent, Child) we should be able to call all the methods on Parent and all the methods on Child. But Child inherits Parent’s methods, so any method Parent has will already be on Child. So Child is equivalently good as T.all(Parent, Child).

Sorbet attempts to simplify a large type to a smaller, equivalent type when it can for two reasons:

Let’s look at another example of control flow:

# typed: strict
extend T::Sig

class A; end
class B; end

sig {params(T.any(A, B)).void}
def example2(a_or_b)
  case a_or_b
  when A
    T.reveal_type(a_or_b) # Revealed type: `A`

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This example method accepts either A or B (T.any(A, B)) and then branches on whether a_or_b is an instance of A. Again: Sorbet doesn’t throw away that it knows a_or_b <: T.any(A, B). Instead it updates its knowledge of the type of a_or_b using T.all to get T.all(T.any(A, B), A). Realizing that this is equivalent to A is a bit trickier:

T.all(T.any(A, B), A)

# Distribute
T.any( T.all(A, A) , T.all(B, A) )

# T.all(A, A) is just A (idempotence)
T.any( A , T.all(B, A) )

# A and B are classes (not mixins) and neither inherits the other.
# It's impossible to have a value of that type, so it's bottom:
T.any( A , T.noreturn )

# bottom is the identity of union

You can start to see how usability and performance and might get a little out of hand if Sorbet didn’t keep attempting to simplify things! The cumulative effect of all the control flow in a program would result in huge, unweidly types.

Until now you could claim that I’ve been hyping up intersection types as the solution to problems that were self-imposed. That if we just invented some other method for modeling control flow, it would have been naturally usable or naturally performant, and we wouldn’t have had problems in the first place. So next let’s look at some examples to see why intersection types really are the most natural solution:

module I1
  def foo1; end
module I2
  def foo2; end

sig {params(I1).void}
def example3(x)
  x.foo1  # Works outside
  case x
  when I2
    x.foo1  # Should (and does) still work inside

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Unlike in the other examples, this is the first example where had we tried to implement control-flow-sensitive typing by throwing away the old type and using the new type instead it wouldn’t have worked. The key thing to notice: this example uses modules. Outside the case of course calling x.method_from_1 works because x starts out at type I1. But if we treated x as only I2 inside the when I2, we’d start reporting an error for calling x.method_from_1 because it doesn’t exist on I2.

Unlike intersecting unrelated classes (our T.all(B, A) example from earlier), intersecting unrelated modules does’t collapse to T.noreturn. There’s nothing stopping some class from including both I1 and I2. Instances of that class would be values of type T.any(I1, I2):

class SomeClass
  include I1
  include I2

# This type assertion is okay:
T.let(, T.all(I1, I2))

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So at least for implementing certain cases of flow sensitive typing, we’ll need intersection types anyways. Then for these certain cases we’d incur the usability and performance problems we discovered earlier and have to solve them.

But more than that, intersection types are fundamentally easier to work with compared to some ad hoc approach to flow sensitive typing. Type system bugs are weird. It’s frquently harder to figure out whether the current behavior is buggy in the first place than it is to find the cause!

In that light, intersection types present an elegant, robust model for arriving at what the correct behavior should be, independent of what Sorbet’s existing behavior is. It’s clear how intersection types interact with union types, and with subtyping, and with generics, and with variance, etc.

By repurposing intersection types to model control flow sensitivity, when things go wrong there’s a framework for discovering what’s right.

(Speaking of repurposing, intersection types also play an important role in how Sorbet suggests potential method signatures! That’s three birds with one stone.)