Inheritance in Ruby, in pictures

A solid grasp of the tools Ruby has for inheritance helps with writing better code.Especially Ruby code typed with Sorbet where inheritance underlies things like abstract methods, interfaces, and generic types.

On the other hand, when most people learn Ruby they learn just enough of what include and extend mean to get their job done (sometimes even less 🫣).

I’d like to walk through some examples of inheritance in Ruby and draw little diagrams to drive their meaning home. The goal is to have inheritance in Ruby “click.”

The < operator

Before we can get to what include and extend do, let’s start with classes and superclasses.

class Parent
  def on_parent; end

class Child < Parent

This is as simple as it gets. Most languages use the extends keyword to inherit from a class. Ruby cutely uses the < token, but otherwise it’s very straightforward. When we call on_parent on an instance of Child, Ruby finds the right method to call by walking the inheritance hierarchy up to where that method is defined on Parent.

I picture Ruby’s < operator as working something like this:

Nerd alert: these diagrams will be ignoring multiple inheritance. To be more accurate we’d have to draw them showing that classes can have one parent class and multiple parent modules. But Ruby linearizes the hierarchy, so this conceptual model of “follow a single chain up” will be good enough. Multiple inheritance can be a future post.

In particular, I picture classes like puzzle pieces. The pieces have tabs and blanks“Tabs” and “blanks” are the names Wikipedia uses for these spots on jigsaw puzzles.

which allow other classes to slot in, forming an inheritance hierarchy.

Checking whether a class is a subclass of another amounts to following the chain upwards. If you can reach ClassB from ClassA, then a.is_a?(ClassB).

Method dispatch does the same up-the-chain search, stopping in each class to look for a method with the given name. Does Child have a method named on_parent? Nope, so let’s go up and keep checking. Does Parent? Yep—let’s dispatch to that definition.

Here’s the first wrench Ruby throws into the inheritance mix: the < operator not only sets up a relationship between the classes themselves, it also makes the singleton class of Child inherit from the singleton class of Parent.

I’ll show what I mean in code first:

class Parent
  def self.on_parent; end

class Child < Parent
end # ❌
Parent.on_parent     # ✅
Child.on_parent      # ✅

Now the on_parent method is on the singleton class because of the def self. (compared with just def before). Since it’s defined on the singleton class, it’s only possible to call it on the class object itself, not on instances of the class. And more than that, it’s available on the singleton class of Child, because the < operator also set up an inheritance relationship on the singleton classes.

Which means we need a slightly more involved picture to show what the < operator is doing, which I’ll represent as this red/blue jigsaw piece:

The < operator takes a normal class and a singleton class and links them up with another normal and singleton class, so we get two inheritance relationships for the price of one < token in our code.

We’re going to work our way up to a full toolbox of these inheritance jigsaw pieces. As a sneak preview:

Don’t worry if that doesn’t click yet, we’ll get there. But first, a detour about why we even want the < operator to work like this in the first place.

Wait, why do we care about inheriting both?

Ruby has a rich link between a class and its singleton class. The < operator just preserves this link across inherited classes. Let’s unpack these observations.

In Ruby, singleton classes are first-class objects. You can pass them around and call methods on them just like any other object:

class A; end


Not only are they first class, but it’s seamless to reflect from an instance of a class up to the object’s class:

a.class # => A

To take it a step further: objects in Ruby are instantiated by calling new,In Ruby new is not a keyword, it’s a normal method! (It’s unlike the new keyword in C++ or Java.)

a singleton class method:

class A; end
class B; end

def instantiate_me(klass)
  # instantiation is dynamic dispatch:

These two methods form an intrinsic link between a class and its singleton class. They power all sorts of neat code in the wild, too. For example Sorbet’s T::Enum class looks something like this under the hood:

This TypedEnum class is a simplification of Sorbet’s T::Enum, which is more robust. But the full implementation fits in a single file if you’re curious.

class TypedEnum
  def self.values = @values ||= {}
  def self.make_value(string_name)
    return v if (v = values[string_name])
  private_class_method , 

  def to_s = @string_name
  def initialize(string_name)
    @string_name = string_name
    self.class.values[string_name] = self

This TypedEnum class implements the typesafe enum patternPopularized by Joshua Block in Effective Java, First Edition, Item 21, in response to the observation that much Java code would use magic integers to represent enumerations. (The same thing happens in Ruby, but with magic Symbols and Strings in addition to just Integers.)

, which is a way of guaranteeing that there are only a fixed set of instances of a class, which can only be compared to values of the same enum (not unrelated enums).

You’d define an enum using this abstraction something like this:

class Suit < TypedEnum
  CLUBS    = make_value("clubs")
  DIAMONDS = make_value("diamonds")
  HEARTS   = make_value("hearts")
  SPADES   = make_value("spades")

It’s so concise in Ruby“Concise” versus the original Java pattern. Sorbet’s T::Enum makes the pattern even more concise.

because of the special relationship between a class and its singleton class:

First, the implementation of initialize can reflect back up to the class with self.class.values to share information across all instances of a class.

Second, the singleton class method make_value calls, which uses dynamic dispatch to instantiate an instance of whatever class make_value was called on (like Suit above). This dynamic dispatch only works because the < operator set up an inheritance relationship on the singleton class, too!

Third, the TypedEnum class encapsulates all of the logic for what it means to be a typesafe enum. The Suit class has no implementation of its own, relying entirely on method resolution up the inheritance chain.

To recap: the cool part about attached classes and singleton classes and inheritance in Ruby is that there’s this link between instance and singleton, via self.class and This link is preserved by having the < operator also create an inheritance relationship between singleton classes.

Aside: and self.class in the type system

My main focus here is to show how Ruby models inheritance, but now’s a perfect time to sneak in a note about how Sorbet works.

Because this link is so special, Sorbet captures it in the type level, as well:

sig do
def self.make_value(n)
# ^^^^^^^^^^^ T.attached_class (of TypedEnum)

sig { params(String).void }
def initialize(n)
# ^^^^^^^^^^ T.class_of(TypedEnum)

If you call inside of a singleton class method, the type that you get back is what’s called T.attached_class. It’s a weird name. People who use Ruby are very familiar with having the singleton class called the singleton class. They usually don’t have a name for this other class, but it’s called the attached class: it’s the name that the Ruby VM uses, and it’s also the name that Sorbet uses.

Here’s how to think about what this type means: it is the type in Sorbet that exists to model what new does. It models the linkage from a singleton class back down to its attached class. And it respects dynamic dispatch:

class Parent
  sig { returns(T.attached_class) }
  def self.make;; end
class Child < Parent; end

parent = Parent.make  # => Parent
child =  Child.make   # => Child

There’s only one definition of the make method, but the two calls to make above have different types. Sorbet knows that if make is called on Parent, the expression will have type Parent, and if called on Child will have type Child. That’s the power of T.attached_class, and it’s precisely the type that captures how new works.

In the opposite direction, T.class_of(...) is the type that represents following the link from the attached class up to the singleton class by way of self.class. It says, “Whatever class you are currently in, if you call self.class you will get T.class_of(<whatever class you are currently in>).”

For our initialize method defined in the TypedEnum class, self.class has type T.class_of(TypedEnum). It’s the name Sorbet uses for the singleton class—the Ruby VM would use the name #<Class:TypedEnum>, instead. Sorbet and the Ruby VM represent the concept of a singleton class with different names.

For more on these types, check out the Sorbet docs:


But now let’s get back to inheritance in Ruby.

The include operator

So far we’ve only been talking about classes. Ruby also has modules, which are kind of weird.

module IParent
  def foo; end
  def; end

class Child
  include IParent
end # ✅     # ❌

If we think of classes as both “a grouping of methods” and “the ability to make instances of that class,” modules are only the ability to group methods. You can’t instantiate a module: you can only use them to make this little namespace for methods.

But we can use those modules in inheritance chains. The instance method foo in our example above can be called on instances of Child because of how include works. But importantly: the singleton class method bar cannot be called on the class object Child, unlike with the < operator.

In picture form, include is a puzzle piece that only links up module instance methods with the child class:

There’s something shocking here: not only do we not have a puzzle piece that links up the singleton class of the module into the singleton class of the child, there isn’t even a tab on T.class_of(IParent). It’s smooth on the bottom. It is not actually possible for a module’s singleton class to be inherited. If we wanted to put a term to what’s happening here: module singleton classes are final. They cannot be inherited.

That comes with some interesting consequences.

Sometimes these limitations are fine: for example this does not matter for the Enumerable module in the Ruby standard library, which deals entirely with instance methods. But sometimes they’re not fine.

The extend operator

We might think, “Okay, well maybe this is just what Ruby’s extend is meant to fix! Maybe extend is the thing that preserves that link.”

But no, even when using extend there’s no way to get at the methods defined on the module’s singleton class.

module IParent
  def foo; end
  def; end

class Child
  extend IParent
end # ❌     # ✅     # ❌ (still)

extend does something else, which is: if you extend a module, it still takes the instance methods (because that’s the only extension point there is on modules), but it slots them into the child class’s singleton class:

In picture form, there’s this weird half-red, half-blue puzzle piece that makes it so that IParent is an ancestor of T.class_of(Child) instead of being an ancestor of Child. It exposes instance methods on the module as singleton class methods on Child.

What it definitely doesn’t do is inherit the module’s singleton class, because module singleton classes are final.

So that basically wraps up inheritance in Ruby:

With classes, we have this puzzle piece which takes instance methods to instance methods and singleton class methods to singleton class methods. It’s cool because it preserves that link between instance and singleton.

But with modules, that link breaks down and the onlyYou could argue these aren’t the “only” tools because there’s also prepend, but it doesn’t act different from include with respect to this link.

tools that we really have are include and extend, which only affect instance methods in the module.

Wait, why do we care if modules don’t work like classes?

It matters because sometimes a class already has a superclass. For example, every Ruby struct descends from the Struct class, every activerecord model in Rails descends from the ActiveRecord::Base class, etc. Sometimes we want to make reusable units of code that slot into any class, comprised of both instance and singleton class methods, that link up using and self.class.

So what are we to do? What if we need a mixin that wants to mix in both instance and singleton class methods?

Well, one option is “just use two modules.” This is gross, but it works:

module IParent
  def foo; end
module IParentClass
  def bar; end

class Child
  include IParent
  extend IParentClass
end # ✅     # ✅

By convention, we could say that IParent contains all the instance methods, and that IParentClass contains all the methods that are meant to be singleton class methods, and make sure by convention that IParentClass is extended wherever IParent is included. So anyone who wants to use this IParent abstraction has to be sure to always mention two class names, one with include and one with extend.

That works—that makes both of these methods available, where foo is an instance method and bar is a singleton class method on Child.

If we look at the puzzle pieces again, include is doing one thing to one module, extend is doing something else to some other module, and if we squint it kind of looks like our class inheritance puzzle piece?

But we still have two modules, and they’re kind of just floating apart, unconnected to each other. It’s clunky. It was nicer with <, where we just had a single puzzle piece that linked the attached and singleton classes.

The mixes_in_class_methods annotation

As it turns out, Ruby allows changing what include means.

I’ve already written about one tool which changes the meaning of include:

ActiveSupport’s Concern, in pictures

If you don’t use Sorbet, you probably just want to skip the rest of this post, and continue reading that one instead.

For historical reasons that might make it into another post, Sorbet invents its own mechanism to achieve a result similar to ActiveSupport::Concern which it calls mixes_in_class_methods. The basic idea is to codify the “include + extend” convention from above:

module IParent
  extend T::Helpers
  def foo; end

  module ClassMethods
    def bar; end

class Child
  include IParent

Sorbet provides this mixes_in_class_methods annotation, and using it in a module changes the meaning of include for the module with the annotation. The new meaning of include is twofold:

In a picture:

We get this really wacky-shaped puzzle piece, where our two modules are still kind of unrelated to each other, but they’re at least closer together. It acts like an include and extend in one, but people don’t have to mention the extend.

Where mixes_in_class_methods falls short

So far so good except… it doesn’t quite work the way you’d hope it might. The mixes_in_class_methods annotation is kind of dumb: it doesn’t pay attention to whether the include happens into a class, or into another module. And if it happens into another module, it will still act like the extend was written right there:

  module IParent
    extend T::Helpers
    def foo; end
    module ClassMethods
      def bar; end

  module IChild; include IParent; end
# ^^^^^^
  class Grandchild; include IChild; end

The implicit extend happens on line 11, because IParent is the only class that has the mixes_in_class_methods annotation, and that’s where IParent is included.

But that means that T.class_of(Grandchild) doesn’t have IParent::ClassMethods as an ancestor, because IChild is a module, and module singleton classes are final:

T.class_of(IChild) is a module’s singleton class, which means it’s final, and will never be an ancestor of anything.

This is the biggest sharp edge to be aware of about mixes_in_class_methods—modules defined this way can’t have dependencies on each other. It’s annoying.

When this comes up, one way to fix it is to just not mention mixes_in_class_methods in the upstream dependencies, falling back to the explicit “include + extend” convention from before

module IParent
  def foo; end
  module ClassMethods
    def bar; end

  # NO mixes_in_class_methods here

module IChild
  extend T::Helpers
  include IParent

  module ClassMethods
    # IParent doesn't have mixes_in_class_methods.
    # Need to manually include here.
    include IParent::ClassMethods

class Grandchild
  # Can still depend on `IChild` in the convenient
  # way, because it's at the bottom of the stack
  include IChild

class Child
  # IParent doesn't have mixes_in_class_methods.
  # Need to manually extend here.
  include IParent
  extend IParent::ClassMethods

The IParent module is upstream of the IChild module, so IParent doesn’t use mixes_in_class_methods. Meanwhile IChild is not upstream of any other modules, so it’s free to use mixes_in_class_methods like before.

Since IParent does not have mixes_in_class_methods, we have to fall back to our “convention-only” approach before. We see this on lines 17 and 32, where the IParent::ClassMethods have to be brought in manually.

But having done that, at least T.class_of(Child) now has the ancestor chain we were looking for, where IParent::ClassMethods is an ancestor:

I should say: I consider this to be a wart in Sorbet’s design.It’s a long-term goal of mine to fix this one day, either by implementing support for Concern in Sorbet or even replacing mixes_in_class_methods with Concern.

When we look at how ActiveSupport::Concern works, it’ more like what you’d expect: it’s a bit more recursive or viral about linking up the ClassMethods classes when stacking modules on top of modules. Hopefully simply being aware of this sharp edge in mixes_in_class_methods is enough for now.

Inheritance in Ruby

Some things we learned in this post:

It was only after internalizing these concepts that I started feeling in control when working in Ruby codebases. Hopefully seeing things laid out this way makes you feel more in control as well.

Appendix: Further reading

Some links that I think are pretty interesting and relate to the topics covered in this post: